Using the ML.NET CLI tool or the new Model Builder extension for Visual Studio to automate model generation and training

ML.Net is the open source machine learning framework, created by Microsoft, for the cross-platform .NET developer platform. Regardless of your experience with machine learning or the ML.NET framework itself, this post will hopefully have something for you. ML.Net can start to get a little more difficult once you venture outside Read more…

Tweaking the PowerShell colour scheme to play nice with the new Windows Terminal

I have been using the new Windows Terminal along with PowerShell Core lately and followed the latest steps from Scott Hanselman to add some nice functionality, fonts and colours to my terminal. You can read the blog post here: One thing I did find tricky was getting all of the Read more…

Enabling SQL Server ‘Always Encrypted’ for an existing an existing .NET Framework project using Entity Framework 6

I have been working with the ‘Always Encrypted’ feature within SQL Server with a legacy project running the full .Net Framework (4.7) along with Entity Framework 6. I had been exploring the different SQL Server Encryption options available, firstly looking at TDE (Transparent Data Encryption), however support for that is limited to Read more…