Day two of my Jim Stoppani ‘Full-Body Shortcut to Size’ routine and performed 2 new exercises that I haven’t done before.

The first new exercise was a Standing Pulldown, which is a hybrid exercise between the wide grip lat pulldown and the seated row.

You can see Jim Stoppani perform this exercise in the clip below

The next exercise thats new for me the the ‘One arm high cable curl’ which is great for targeting biceps – this is a bit more widely known that the Standing Pulldown but still one I haven’t incorporated in any workouts before. Clip for the exercise below

Todays workout log

Barbell Bent Row46-825kg
Wide-Grip Pulldown36-845kg
Standing Pulldown36-832kg
Straight arm pulldown36-810kg
Dumbell Curl46-814kg DB
Dumbell Incline Curl310-149kg DB
One arm high cable curl310-145kg
Hip Thrust310-1410kg Plate

As you can see the weight is still light however there is a fair bit of volume in there and I don’t want to overdo it, especially as I hadn’t been getting much training done prior to starting this workout.